Disability Advocates Breaking Barriers

One fifth of the workforce has a disability. And for a very long time, little was done to ensure the inclusion of people with disabilities in the workforce. Thankfully, this is changing as more companies seek to engage, expand, and develop this hidden workforce.

They are also promoting it. A recent IGD report found that more than a quarter (28%) of companies surveyed had at least one disabled leader at board level; That’s up from 15% two years ago.

We’ve become used to seeing disabilities portrayed in commercials, with ads for the likes of Mars, Vanish, Müller Light and Pantene, but Sainsbury’s has recently introduced deaf people in their ads to promote their low prices. We broke new ground by hiring a certain staff member. This shows that companies are ready to use their diversity and inclusion policies to their advantage.

But BRC CEO Helen Dickinson says there is still much work to do to “bring in great talent from all backgrounds, from the warehouse to the boardroom”.

“Retailers still have a lot to do to bring in great talent from all backgrounds, from the warehouse to the boardroom.”

Helen Dickinson, BRC CEO

From big structural changes to small everyday actions, actions are being taken to integrate this talent. Sarah Munday, equity, diversity and inclusion and wellbeing manager at Britvic GB, said the industry was “making progress by prioritizing” these changes, but it would require a “concerted effort”. , believes that “accessibility, education, and listening” are necessary.

“Listen to your employees, make adjustments based on what they see and feedback, and provide a level of leadership support,” said Caroline Cater, vice president of people and culture at CCEP. We agree that a new way of thinking is needed.

sainsbury disability strap

Another company making great strides is Diageo. The company has multiple programs in place and has published guidelines for disability inclusion. “Everyone should be able to thrive in an environment where their contributions are valued and their uniqueness is celebrated,” says Human Resources Director Edna Otieno.

However, getting it on the agenda is only half the battle. Russell Price, chairman of Tesco’s Disability Network, said: “We need a cultural change.” According to Scope, 54% of employers said they were concerned about the ability of disabled employees to do their jobs, and 28% of unemployed disabled people said they had experienced discrimination at work. So it’s understandable that Mr. Price says he lacks confidence in whether employees feel comfortable identifying as disabled.

Kater says storytelling plays an important role in boosting confidence. She realized that when business leaders tell their stories publicly, it gives others in the business the confidence to come forward and show them that they are welcomed and represented at all levels.

One really positive thing is that there are a lot of employees across the industry who are challenging stereotypes and building roles for employees with disabilities. The people doing this work should be championed, and that’s what this feature is all about. Here are five of his leading people in the industry.

Mona Shah, Harry Spectors

Harry Specters Ash, Mona, Shaz

In 2012, Mona Shah and her husband Shaz, inspired by their son Ash, founded Harry Spector’s, an award-winning chocolatier that provides employment opportunities for people with autism.

“At that time, only 15% of people with autism were in any kind of employment, and the main reason for that was that people were not keen on hiring people with autism,” she said. I will explain.

Shah speaks passionately about the potential autism workforce being inherited. That’s why she and her husband founded the company. Although Ms. Shah does not have a manufacturing background, she took a two-day Academy of Chocolate course and is so familiar with the process, rules and feel that this kind of work is something that her son I found it very suitable for people with autism.

Although Harry Specters is a social enterprise, Shah is keen to “dispel the preconceptions people have about buying from charities” and create truly great products that aren’t just “for a good cause”.

The product won Channel 4’s competition Aldi’s Next Big Thing in 2022, and Shah hopes it will become a mainstream product soon.

The company is on a mission to show that autistic workers are just as capable as neurotypical workers. “Their intelligence and integrity are amazing,” Shah says of the staff.

The business started in the back of the family’s home and is now housed in a 3,000 square foot unit. To date, he has provided employment and work experience to nearly 500 autistic people.

She hopes her business will boost the confidence of her staff and help them get jobs elsewhere. She actively encourages it.

Georgie Hill-Jones, Waitrose

Georgie Hill-Jones photo

Georgie Hill-Jones has worked for John Lewis Partnership (JLP) for almost 20 years, starting in a store before taking up a role at head office in 2022. He works on the competency team, which is part of the democratic side of the business. Partners can have a say in how it is run.

Hill-Jones, who is deaf and autistic, has supported campaigns, recorded audio captions for blind, partially sighted and neurodiverse partners, and delivered deaf awareness training. We offer advice on next career steps and the support available to colleagues with disabilities.

The challenge for development teams, he explains, is to avoid focusing too much on one type of disability or set of lived experiences. However, it is becoming increasingly data-driven, allowing for a “laser focus” on partnership demographics.

Asked how he can make the industry more inclusive, he says it’s “all about having conversations” even when they’re difficult and uncomfortable, which leads to “raised awareness and openness.”

Russell Price, Tesco

Tesco COBC.1999

“Some people are born with a disease, many more develop a disease and many more have accidents. This should never be a barrier,” said Russell, chairman of the Tesco Disability Network.・Mr. Price says.

Mr Price worked for Tesco for 20 years and chaired the network for two years. His strategic vision was that every decision made at Tesco should take into account people with disabilities, whether his colleagues or customers.

In Price’s words, the network is a “hub of experts” that will “listen to feedback, raise awareness and understanding, and lead from the top with role models at every level of the business.”

“We monitor companies to make sure they are prioritizing key areas, but at the same time we are leveraging the power of the network to provide stories and soundbites of lived experience. ” he explains.

The network makes planned changes such as workplace adjustments and accessibility projects, as well as raising awareness and providing training and learning content.

In his opinion, part of his role leading the network is to “set an example about having disability confidence.”

Mr. Price was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease eight years ago and is focused on “providing a rewarding career in a welcoming environment for all, with the greatest emphasis on ability, not disability.”

caroline cater, coca cola

Caroline Cater September 23rd

Caroline Cater recently made a lateral shift from the commercial side of Coca-Cola Europe Pacific Partners to focus more on diversity, inclusion and talent.

“Given the hours we spend at work, it’s important that everyone feels welcome, safe and supported,” she says.

CCEP is committed to improving diversity and inclusion across six key pillars, including disability, or what the company calls “This Capacity.”

The ability works across three key areas: people, accessibility and awareness, and has nearly 70 members who are “helping shape the change needed to provide the support to help all colleagues thrive.” It consists of

Cater says all companies need to be open to feedback.

“In some cases, changes may be small, but it means changing factory practices, relying on external expert support, or working internally to provide feedback to leaders.” You need to make sure you have a plan, whether that means ensuring your group’s focus is on continuous improvement. ”

Heidi Elise, Grocery Aid

Hey Elise

“If we want to future-proof our industry and attract and retain a more diverse workforce, being inclusive must be a priority,” says Diversity and Inclusion at UK charity GroceryAid. said Heidi Ellis, program director. A grocery store founded in 1857.

GroceryAid has been running a grocery store diversity and inclusion program for over five years and recently introduced a maturity model to help partners and the industry track measurable progress. Additionally, he has provided 12,562 hours of study time across 64 topic areas and provides a wealth of learning resources for industry professionals.

Elise has been in this role at GroceryAid since September 2022 and previously spent 10 years at IGD working on multiple programs and projects. She is passionate about helping FMCG companies accelerate their D&I efforts.

Elise particularly emphasizes that not all disabilities are visible, and the industry is working hard to support colleagues with neurobifurcation and hidden disabilities, such as providing quiet spaces and flexible working options. Talk about the good work being done across the board.

“What is unique about this program is that it brings partners together and encourages sharing wherever possible,” she explains.

#Disability #Advocates #Breaking #Barriers

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